COVID-19 Update #7

Dear Members,

I am a bit distressed but obligated to share this information from the Press conference held by the Prime Minister last night. It is not the best news to receive or share but regretfully, this is our present reality.  I am honestly convinced that  the timeshare owners love and respect our island and will comply with the rules established to protect us all – and I said as much  in my July website update - but some others are more cavalier and lawless and less respectful of the protocols and this is clearly not in the best interests of anyone.

Aruba Coronavirus update 8/3/20 8:17pm:

Bad news tonight. The Aruba government just held a press conference to announce that there are five (5) newly infected residents and all are local transmissions. They are not yet sure how these people contacted the virus and they are trying to find that out and do contact tracing.

As a result of this news, brand new restrictions involving proper social distancing will be put in place effective immediately.

  • The government is urging everyone to use face masks at all times when social distancing is not possible and at supermarkets.
  • Restaurants, bars, and night clubs will now have a maximum of four people at each table with all tables 1.5 meters apart. No more dancing. No more standing or sitting at bars. Only at tables.
  • There will be no more gatherings of more than four people in the streets. At work places social distancing will be mandated and face shields and facemasks when that cannot happen.
  • Churches and funerals will go back to old protocols. No more than 25 people at funerals.
  • Casinos will now have even more stricter protocols.
  • All indoor sports and contact sports are canceled. Gyms will continue to remain open but they will also have stricter protocols.

The Prime Minister stated that all five people are home and recovering. The concern now is how they contacted the virus and keeping it from spreading.

The Prime Minister also asked anyone who has been in large gatherings lately to please go into quarantine. Check if you may be getting any symptoms. She stated that we are here because people have not been adhering to the rules and protocols.

Please everyone who is on the island be careful. Locals and tourists both. Follow all protocols and stay safe. The island cannot have another outbreak and everyone needs to do their part. Everyone!

  • Wear a mask on the plane.
  • Disinfect your hands and social distance.
  • Keep that mask on whenever you are around people. Don’t remove it for a photo or any other reason.
  • If you post any photos without a mask when not social distancing they will be removed.
  • If you get tested on arrival go straight to your hotel and quarantine until you receive your results!!
  • Also, If you enter an establishment where there are too many people and social distancing is not happening, turn around and go back to your home or hotel.
  • Wear a mask! Don’t participate. BE SAFE!! Please do this if not for yourself, for the wonderful people of Aruba and for other tourists too.

Lastly, Please understand we have no more answers at this point. Let’s refrain from speculating and asking if it was caused by this or that or where the people are. We do not know yet and if I get that information I will post it here. Please stay positive and again if you are on the island be careful and social distance, disinfect, wear a mask when you need to. Protect yourself and the people around you.

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Convocation 2024

Extra Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting

To be held on Tuesday October 29th , 2024 at 10 am (local time).

Location: Paradise Beach Villas.

J.E. Irausquin Boulevard #64, Oranjestad, Aruba.

For specific questions via email: [email protected]